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Debbie WHITE
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Happy Retirement Debbie WHITE Debbie Unsted DEBBIE WHITE Registered nurse at Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust Debbie has made nursing her whole life, giving her time, compassion and untiring loyalty to all her patients, both young and old for as long as she has been able. On 21 June 2019 Debbie was in London collecting her award of Queen's Nurse, the highest honour in nursing and in recognition of her huge body of work. Debbie has fought against severe illness herself during this time, enduring treatment for cancer twice and carrying the worry of its return, all the while caring for others. She had no wish to retire but her health has triggered its premature arrival, much to her disappointment. The immense knowledge she has accrued during her years of nursing will be a huge loss to the local community. It would be a fitting tribute to her if, post Covid-19, she could be enabled to pass on her expertise to up and coming nurses in her community who would benefit enormously from her years of experience & command of nur Auntie Jan, Auntie Angie, Uncle Jim, Jenny and Jamie
Viewed by: 3960 visitors. Uploaded: 3 years ago
Published in: North Devon Journal.
Published from: February 02, 2021.
Region: National
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