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KEITH GRAHAM BOOTH Ever since I was little, I've been so lucky to know that I have always had these 3 men in my life, always loving, caring, looking out for me, making sure that everything was ok. If I was upset made me smile, always going that extra mile, did everything you could for me. 3 of the Most Important men in my life, my very own 3 Wise Men - My Incredible, Extraordinary DAD aka my own Papa Smurf who has such inner strength, courage & determination to keep fighting daily against "the bad guys". I'm so thankful I can still say this to you today. My Remarkable GRANDAD BOOTH & Amazing GRANDAD KEN, you've both had Wonderful, full lives, always busy, doing things & seeing the world, I love spending time with you, so that I can learn how amazing your lives has been. ALL 3 of you are so UNIQUE & SPECIAL to me in your own right, but together I know I can always count on you all to stand behind me no matter what. Throughout the years, you've each provided me with your wisdom & loving advice which has guided me throughout my life. You all make me feel protected and safe. When I think of you all, I'm filled with Love & Fond Appreciation. You all have a place of honour, deep within my heart. You've been my Superheroes right from the very start. Always remember that I might have out grown your lap but I will never out grow your hearts. All 3 of you makes me so pound to be your Daughter / Granddaughter and I truly Love all of you from the bottom of my heart. Love you Always & Forever Michelle xxx
Viewed by: 9 visitors. Uploaded: 6 years ago
Published in: Staffordshire area.
Published from: June 16, 2018.
Region: West Midlands
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