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For Everything I'm Sorry I know what I've done to you and our son is truly despicable, and from the bottom of my heart I sincerely apologize to you both, never again, I promise you that!! The relationship I had was built on nothing but lies and deceit and I would like to put the record straight, that you are an extremely good and honourable person, you live by your word, I know that, but I was stupidly selfish for my own gain. I am sorry for that, and regret my cowardly ways. I'm begging for you to allow me back into your life, and I know I will never let you down. I LOVE YOU xxxx
Viewed by: 393 visitors. Uploaded: 8 years ago
Published in: Kent & Sussex Courier Incl. East Grinstead Courier.
Published from: November 06, 2015.
Region: South East
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