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Mr and Mrs R Hirst Thank you Saturday 16th August 12 o clock I would like to thank all the people who came to my aid on Saturday. At about 12 o clock, dinner time. Me and the wife Ann were going shopping, she said Russell there is a lot of blood coming out of your shoe, the vein in my ankle the left one had burst. On the crossing at the end of Haywood Street and Derby Street, I don't know some of their names but their was Vicky, a bus driver for Aimees what a lovely and thoughtful lady and also a chap on his hands and knees holding a piece of cloth on the burst and the shop with the railway in the window, and also the manager of Yorkshire Trading who fetched me a chair from Lawtons Pie shop to sit on until the paramedics came to put something on to stop it from further bleeding, his name was Julian and then up the Moorland Hospital, the nurse, I think her name was Judith and also my future son-in-law Craig. Me and my wife would like to thank you all very much indeed much appreciated Mr and Mrs R Hirst
Viewed by: 50 visitors. Uploaded: 9 years ago
Published in: Leek Post & Times.
Published from: August 27, 2014.
Region: West Midlands
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