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KIND LADY WHO FOUND HANDBAG Thank you ON CHRISTMAS DAY I just wanted to say a huge thank you to the kind lady who found my handbag outside Glascote Church on Christmas Day. My brother-in-law collected the bag from you from the Dolphin Pub, so I didn't get chance to thank you in person. If it wasn't for your kind actions not only would I of lost a treasured handbag but my phone which had pictures of my 3 month old son's first Christmas. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart and only hope that if you ever lose a treasured item, the person who finds it, is as kind as you. Many thanks, Mrs Cartwright.
Viewed by: 54 visitors. Uploaded: 10 years ago
Published in: Central Independent Newspapers.
Published from: January 09, 2014.
Region: West Midlands
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