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CLARKE (Peter). Barbara, Andrew and Matthew would like to thank family and friends for their help and kindness after the tragic loss of Peter. We would particularly like to thank Amber Robinson for her help and kindness, PC Steve Barr, family Liaison Officer from Warwickshire Police for the sensitive way in which he dealt with things and his ongoing support. Also Pete and staff at D.B. Devalls for the help and guidance they gave us and the dignity in which they conducted Peter's funeral and to Paul Gray for his tribute to Peter. We have received cards, letters and phone calls from so many people who were thinking of us and it made us proud to know that Peter was so loved and respected by so many people. It was a tribute in itself to Peter to know the amount of people who attended his funeral to pay their respects to him. Thank you for the floral tributes and donations for charity, D.B. Devalls received £1180.00, which will be sent to Cancer Research U.K. & Guide Dogs For The Blind. Our love and thanks to you all.
Viewed by: 261 visitors. Uploaded: 15 years ago
Published in: Coventry Telegraph.
Published from: June 21, 2008.
Region: West Midlands
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