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REUNION BRAMPTON DOWN SCHOOL Lanky is looking for anyone who went to BD and would love to get in touch for a Form Reunion. TBA. Also if you are an old Bramptonian and would like to come along to an annual lunch/meeting email -
Viewed by: 21940 visitors. Uploaded: 5 years ago
Published in: Herald Express Series (Ashford Herald, Folkestone Herald & Dover Express).
Published from: February 07, 2019.
Region: South East
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Would love to do this. Sarah Faes (nee Manton). I remember Tracey Piper.
Left by Sarah Faes: 10/01/2024
Anyone know Rebecca connelly 1964ish?
Left by Richard Taylor : 27/04/2023
I have some photos of Brampton Down the 1940's. They belonged to my husband's late aunt. Anyone interested?
Left by Elizabeth Wellington: 17/11/2022
Don't know how to delete a message. The copy of "The Bramptonian" has gone to a new home.
Left by Tom Miller: 18/07/2021
On going through some old papers which belonged to my late wife, Angela Elford (Angie, when at school), I came across a copy of "The Bramptonian" number 63, 1969. It has Viv Pococks' name on it. Is this of any interest to anyone? I will happily post it. Tom Miller.
Left by Tom Miller: 25/05/2021
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