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ANNE HUTTON As far as role models go there's only one choice, you gave me confidence to have my own voice. Taught me to be proud, what's right & wrong, I could go on forever but the list would be too long. When all's not right you will always make amends, your more than a parent, we're also best friends. Everything I've done and everything I've become, that's down to one person, that's down to you mum! (Also help from dad by it's not Father's Day haha) Thank you for all the love and the enormous support this past year!! Without you at the end of the phone or me crying outside your garden I couldn't of made it thru such a hard time in our lives. Thank you for being my rock every single day. I am super lucky that I got you as a mum. Love you to the moon and back Lots of love Stacey xxx
Viewed by: 15 visitors. Uploaded: 3 years ago
Published in: Plymouth Herald.
Published from: March 13, 2021.
Region: National
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