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Cambridge we thank you KEEL Sue On Saturday 5th September 2020 my wife had a bad fall in the Market Place, resulting in a broken ankle and 6 days hospitalization. Within seconds of her fall, so many nice people came to help us. 2 nurses attended my wife's medical needs along with other people phoning the ambulance service. Somebody brought treats for our dalmatian dog, Costa coffee, a chair and handkerchiefs for me. We both despair sometimes at the way the human race is going, but this one incident proves just how many good people there are about. She is recovering well, with me running around after her, but I don't mind that! We will remember Cambridge for all the good reasons not the bad. We didn't get any of your names but thank you all for being such brilliant people. John, Sue and Casper xxx
Viewed by: 4842 visitors. Uploaded: 4 years ago
Published in: Cambridge News.
Published from: September 22, 2020.
Region: National
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Hi John, I hope You and Sue are well. I was one of the staff at CUH that looked after Sue. I didn’t get a chance to wish her well before she left. It was so lovely to randomly find this notice and hear that she is doing well with her recovery. We had many a laughs. Kind Regards Neisha (Aus)
Left by Neisha: 14/11/2020
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