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Margaret MAJURY
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Seeking Relative MAJURY MARGARET Seeking relatives and friends of MARGARET MAJURY, last known address Heritage Park, St. Mellons, Cardiff. Mother's name was Jutta Majury (German), father was Robert Majury (Irish). Close family relative from Ireland would like to make contact. Reply: Belfast
Viewed by: 7271 visitors. Uploaded: 8 months ago
Published in: South Wales Echo, Glamorgan Gazette.
Published from: August 02, 2023.
Region: National
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This lady would now be in her early 70s. She bought the house in Heritage Park, St. Mellons in 1985 and still owns it, but may not live there. She was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, but her mother was German, so she could be living in Germany. Her father, Robert Majury, from Northern Ireland, died in 1995 in Lansdowne Hospital. Any information, no matter how small, would be much appreciated.
Left by Edward Newman: 13/11/2023
Someone must know this lady. Any information would be most helpful.
Left by Edward Newman: 13/09/2023
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