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DAVIE SHANKLAND The Tribute concert for Davie Shankland at St George's Church, Dumfries, on Sunday the 30th October 2016 was truly a memorable occasion - as soon as we turned the corner and saw the crowds of people queuing to get in, we knew it was going to be a very special night. The songs, the stories, the sketches and above all the laughter brought back so many fond memories of our late Uncle David (he was always known by his Sunday name at our mother's), it was hard to believe it is nearly five years since his passing. As a family, we were honoured to be asked, impressed by the numbers who came out on a cold winter night for Davie, and humbled by the warmth and affection for him still so evident in those performing, or who we had a chance to speak with. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all those who organised the event and made the evening such a resounding success. In particular, we'd like to thank John Glover, WIlliam Williamson, Ian Landles, Ian Kirkpatrick, Gavin Maxwell, and Joyce Reekie for their performances, Heather Ross, Magaret Anderson and Linda Williamson for their roles, and everyone else who contributed to the success of the evening, giving up their time to help out, or attending the performance itself. Finally thanks to the local press who covered the event, and shared the fitting tribute with the whole of the region our Uncle loved so dearly. To paraphrase Davie himself, on that evening our cup did well and truly runneth over. Davie's Family
Viewed by: 241 visitors. Uploaded: 7 years ago
Published in: Dumfries and Galloway Standard.
Published from: December 07, 2016.
Region: Scotland
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