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WILSON BEST Andrew and Alison wish to thank all who helped to make Peter & Lucy's wedding such a happy occasion. To the Wilson family, to The Rev. Douglas Irving and Angus Dick and to Sheena Cartner whose catering was, as we expected, first class and professional. To xoxo and to Ian Wemyss who kindly played the bagpipes. To our friend and neighbour, Gael Wilson, who kindly drove the bride and her father to the Church and to Trevor Jones who did likewise for the bridesmaids and the bride's mother. To everyone who shared our joy and who gave so generously in their gifts and in their donations to Cancer Research UK and finally to Christine, whose friendship and support were invaluable to the mother of the bride. To all of you who have taken the time to send such lovely cards and letters of thanks and lastly, but by no means least, to Jane Davidson and her team, whose floral arrangements both in the church and in the marquee were quite simply outstanding. Thank you all.
Viewed by: 311 visitors. Uploaded: 11 years ago
Published in: Dumfries and Galloway Standard.
Published from: September 13, 2012.
Region: Scotland
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