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Congratulations! BAILEY Joyce and Peter Just teenagers when you met, you stole each others heart, He was from Fenton, She Longton, you've never been apart Married at the Central Hall, then off on honeymoon, On the train to Blackpool, like classic 'Mills and Boon' You built your home in Blurton, beginning life together, Step by step, bit by bit, a love that would last forever You brought us up with patience and calm, Giving us space, keeping us from harm Taking extra jobs to make ends meet, Dad doing nights, Mum rushed off her feet Working Jollees, Normid, Home Supply and the Caff, But never downbeat, always having a laugh Instilling a work ethic, that 'nothing's for free', In the hope that we might take it in, and kind of agree Fast forward through the years, and decades on, 5 Grandchildren we gave you, that are second to none Your 1st dance was 'Congratulations' way back then, So 50 years on, we say it again! x Andrew and Emma
Viewed by: 897 visitors. Uploaded: 5 years ago
Published in: Staffordshire area.
Published from: September 14, 2018.
Region: West Midlands
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