Jemima-Jo now 4 months old

Jemima-Jo enjoys playing with her toys - especially her green dog that we have named Scooby. Everything she gets hold of goes straight into her mouth and she is showing a great interest in food. She has had her first taste of banana and enjoys sitting at the table in her highchair at meal times.

She is getting practice being on her belly ready for when she starts crawling - even though at the moment she finds it very frustrating as she can't get any where and its harder to see the TV when you are face down!

Left by Josephine Hallas: 12/01/2009

Jemima-Jo's first christmas

Jemima-Jo wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Jemima-Jo got to visit Santa for the first time - see picture of her sitting on his knee. Jemima-Jo received many lovely presents and a spent a lovely day with her family and visiting friends. Jemima-Jo is now of the age to really enjoy her new toys and as usually with babies these have all gone straight into her mouth! Jemima-Jo wants to thank everyone who gave her a present and she is looking forward to either playing with her new toys or wearing her new clothes

Left by Josephine Hallas: 27/12/2008

Jemima-Jo at 12 weeks old

Jemima-Jo is now aged 12 weeks and is doing well. She sleeps through the night and wakes in the morning with a smile. She enjoys the sound of her own voice (not unlike her mummy) and likes to be the centre of attention! She likes to sit in her Bumbo chair - see updated pictures and she likes to laugh at her daddy.

Left by Josephine Hallas: 28/11/2008


Hows the sleepless nights! Hope you are all well and that we are able to see you over christmas some time.

Take care Love Uncle Ian and Claire

Left by Ian Howe: 20/10/2008

Congratulations, a beautiful baby girl

Wishing you all every happiness for the future. Jemima's a little cracker!

Love Anna, Alan & Molly XXX

Left by Anna Dolby: 03/10/2008