Thank you st clare for favours received... As promised... Ask st clare for 3 favours 1 business and 2 impossible.. Say 9 hail Mary's before a lit candle followed by this prayer.. May the most sacred heart of jesus be praised adored glorified and loved today and everyday throughout the world forever amen... Say this novena for nine days.. Favours will be granted.. Publish prayer on the ninth day... Jenny Murray
Left by Jenny Murray : 09/02/2020
Candle 11
Left by MR :
st claire please answer ma prayers
Left by MR: 05/02/2020
St. Clare Novena: ask for 3 favours, 1 business, 2 impossible, say 9 hail marys with a lighted candle and the following prayer for 9 days - may the sacred heart of Jesus be praised,glorified and adored throughout the ;world forever amen. Publih on the 9th day
Left by Nida: 03/02/2020
Publishing my novena to st claire on the ninghth day as promised. ask for 3 favours, 1 business, 2 impossible, say 9 hail marys with a lighted candle and the following prayer for 9 days - may the sacred heart of Jesus be praised,glorified and adored throughout the ;world forever amen. Publish on the nighth day
Left by Lilian: 31/01/2020